(Read or Die!) and other observations

Listening to: “Yeroushalaim Chel Zahav” (Jerusalem of Gold) – John Williams (Schindler’s List OST)

Reading: “The Little Friend” by Donna Tartt; “Twisted 8” by Jessica Zafra; “Jarhead” by Anthony Swafford

Have you heard of the phrase “Reading Addiction” or perhaps “Literature Abuse”? 😀 I found this rather amusing website detailing this “phenomenon” – America’s Hidden Problem; So, am I a “read-a-holic?”


attributed to Michael McGrorty

How many of these apply to you?

1. I have read fiction when I was depressed, or to cheer myself up. (Well, yes. But I also read when I’m happy.)
2. I have gone on reading binges of an entire book or more in a day (Guilty. Very guilty. Sometimes, after finishing a drawing, I’d lie down and read all day.)

3. I read rapidly, often ‘gulping’ chapters. (That’s right. I’m not sure about my reading speed, but I finished Harry Potter 7 in 2 days.)

4. I have sometimes read early in the morning or before work. (Yes, even during break times at work)

5. I have hidden books in different places to sneak a chapter without

being seen. (I don’t have to do that, but yes, I have reading materials stashed in various places I frequent)

6. Sometimes I avoid friends or family obligations in order to read

novels. (On occasion, yes. Especially if I can’t stand a particular person. And let’s be honest, there are many instances in which the events on a certain book is much more exciting than what is currently going on in the “real” world. You can’t expect me to listen to someone rave about their “crushes” all day, for example, do you? Or talk about dry cleaning?)

7. Sometimes I re-write film or television dialog as the characters

speak. (yes!)

8. I am unable to enjoy myself with others unless there is a book

nearby. (Not really. I can still enjoy myself. That depends on what kind of person I’m with, however. But, yes it’s always loads better when I have a book)

9. At a party, I will often slip off unnoticed to read. (If permissible, I would. Although, it would depend on what kind of party. Don’t see much sense in reading while on a “disco” event. You can always hide inside the bathroom though)
10. Reading has made me seek haunts and companions that I would

otherwise avoid. (uh, no. why would I avoid the Library or the National Bookstore?)

11. I have neglected personal hygiene or household chores until I have

finished a novel. (Guilty on occasion. I would put off household chores if the novel is really good, like “The Remains of the Day” by Kazuo Ishiguro, “The Hours” by Michael Cunningham and “Angela’s Ashes” by Frank McCourt)

12. I have spent money meant for necessities on books instead. (I tend to do this frequently. “Never mind the food. But I just had to get this book.” And I’ve not even finished those which are currently in my possession.)

13. I have attempted to check out more library books than permitted. (I think so. Particularly during elementary and high school. I even became a Junior Library Assistant during my sixth grade. So I was free to peruse all the library resources during my free time.)

14. Most of my friends are heavy fiction readers. (Yes)

15. I have sometimes passed out from a night of heavy reading. (Fell asleep more like)

16. I have suffered ‘blackouts’ or memory loss from a bout of reading. (No. Not really)

17. I have wept, become angry or irrational because of something I read. (Sometimes yes. Examples were when I was reading “Schindler’s List” during my Junior year in high school; “Angela’s Ashes”, “The Hours” and “Harry Potter” on occasion)

18. I have sometimes wished I did not read so much. (No. It’s the opposite actually)

19. Sometimes I think my reading is out of control. (No. It’s what’s NORMAL for me.)

The truth is I practically grew up around books and various reading materials (be it comics – Marvel, DC, Filipino or magazines like Time, National Geographic and Life). My parents were both into reading (my father particularly).

To other things.

I’m not exactly “stressed” with my current job (after all, I only look for numbers) but not too bored either, I just can’t get entirely comfortable with it. Like I mentioned before, I’ll see what happens. Just a random observation, one of my new “trainors” has an interesting nose.

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